Indian among Facebook Fellowship Winners of 2012-2013

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 21 February 2012, 23:46 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: Rashmi Korlakai Vinayak, an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Science was announced as one of the winners of the Facebook Fellowship recently, an event that is Facebook’s way of supporting the academic community.

The Fellowship received around 300 applications, out of which only 12 were declared winners. As a member of the Fellowship, Rashmi received a $30,000 intended to cover study expenses, as well as tuition for the year 2012-2013.Being a Fellow of the social network, she was also given $5,000 for conference travel, and $2,500 for a personal computer. The Fellows are also welcomed to visit Facebook later this year to get together with engineers who work on problems corresponding to each Fellow’s research.

Rashmi’s area of study deals with Data and its storage. The challenge of the storage and management of vast amounts of data (handled by key Internet players such as Facebook) drove her to research on new encoding mechanisms for distributed storage systems. Her main aim is to improve the elasticity and reliability of data storage systems.

So who else did Facebook select? Here's a look at the other 11 winners of Facebook’s Fellowship:

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