Indian Preamble: in Print not in Practice

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 26 January 2012, 01:46 IST
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Bangalore: The constitution is the backbone of every country; it is a document that describes and rules or governs all the aspect for the citizens of the nation. As the citizens of independent India, we all have introduced a Preamble for our constitution. But how many of us know about the preamble of Indian Constitution.

Preamble is an introductory statement in a document that explains the purpose and underlying philosophy of the document. In simple terms preamble is like a preface of a book which gives a brief outline and central theme of the book. Now it’s totally same in the case of the Preamble for Indian constitution, it provides the guiding purpose and principles of the constitution.

Every year we remember January 26 as the day to reflect the opening words of our constitution; which is one of the best constitutions ever drafted for a democratic country. The Indian constitution protects the foundation of the world’s largest democracy which begins with ‘We the People of India having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens.’ Each and every word in the preamble was discussed, argued and debated to include in the preamble,

As the preamble states, India is a secular country. The word ‘secular’ was added to the preamble by 42nd amendment act in 1976. But do you really think our country is secular, if yes than what are minorities and reservations for specific casts? Secularism is a large term which means not concerning with any religion. But the actual fact is that India is overwhelmed with communal riots, people of one religion don’t allow the followers of another religion to practice their customs and beliefs.

The propose of adding the world secular in the preamble was to achieve a democratic society where every citizen is treated equally and provided equal opportunity to earn his livelihood without being affected by any social, economical and political conditions. If this was the context of adding the word secular then from where did the concept minority development came from? if each and every person is expected to get equal opportunities then why there is cry for achieving minority status?

After years of parliamentary system, there is justice and equality for the citizens. But only for those people who are in a position to demand it. There is no equality for the largest number of poor people in India who hardly manages to survive. Today let’s think and try to bring back the original concept of our constitution and decide yourself to act for the betterment of our nation.