Indian Employers are Less Confident in Job Hiring

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 14 September 2011, 16:16 IST   |    1 Comments
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Indian Employers are Less Confident in Job Hiring
Bangalore: Job seekers in India are likely to benefit from an active labor market as India's employers expect to hire at a pace seen prior to the global recession, reveled by Manpower Employment Outlook Survey. Net Employment Outlook of above 42 percent, Indian employers report the most optimistic forecast among all 36 countries and territories participating in the Manpower survey. India's Outlook improves by 2 percentage points quarter-over-quarter, and improves by 19 percentage points when compared to Q3 2009. Job seekers in the Mining & Construction sector (about 46 percent) and the Manufacturing Sector (about 44 percent) can look forward to the most favorable hiring environment in the next three months of the year. Meanwhile, the weakest, but still strong, hiring pace is reported by Transportation & Utilities (24 percent) sector employers. Hiring intentions for the next three months are strongest in India, Brazil, Taiwan, Turkey and Singapore, while those in Spain, Greece, Italy and Ireland are the weakest and only negative forecasts reported. Namr Kishore, Manpower India Head (Sales & Marketing) said Globally India has the most optimistic outlook, but it is lower than last quarter. Employment outlook is still optimistic, employers are still hiring, but they are not as optimistic in their hiring trends as they were in the last quarter. The survey polled more than 65,000 employers in 41 countries. Employers in all seven industry sectors and all four regions of India report positive hiring plans for the next three months. However, the net employment outlook declined in all of the seven industry sectors when compared to the previous quarter.