Indian Ads Which Created Controversies

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 28 January 2012, 01:47 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Be it movies, IPL, or daily-soaps, Indian media is always surrounded by controversies. Ads are no exceptions. The show biz is the biggest biz and the ‘sex always sells’. It is because of these some companies have walked this track to achieve success but some ads have fallen into it by default. The vulgarity and obscene scenes are always not the reasons for such controversies. Here are few ads which tagged themselves in this list:

Tata Docomo – A maid steals a mobile phone and her employer catches her in the act as the phones starts ringing. The catchline “No Getting Away” suggests that wherever the phone is, the network catches. This made a lot of controversies. There were complaints made that, “This advertisement is extremely crass and in bad taste apart from casting aspersions on the integrity of the class of domestic workers, a super exploited lot without any customary – let alone legal – rights worth the name. It further reinforces the common prejudices against them in this regard through stereotyping.”

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