India to Constitute 20 Percent of Global Workforce by 2020

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 16 November 2011, 23:30 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: In the next decade, India will have 20 percent of the global workforce and the average age of Indian workforce will be 29 years as compared to 37 for the U.S. and China and 45 years for Europe, said Minister of Human Resource Development, Communications and IT Kapil Sibal at the India Economic Summit 2011 in Mumbai, reports Financial chronicle. "This is a big challenge for the country and we will need to ensure that the workforce develops different kinds of skills to match the available economic opportunities," said the minister who also handles the information technology and telecom portfolios. Managing Director of Tata Consultancy Services, N Chandrasekaran, said India would soon have 136 million graduates compared to 23 million in China and 11 million in the US. At the summit the panelists emphasized to ensure employability of college graduates across a wide range of professions from manufacturing to construction trades to technology workers etc. According to Kapil, by the year 2020 India will witness 200 million graduates and 500 million skilled employees. To confirm that sufficient jobs are on hand, the government is trying to launch vocational institutes close to the industrial areas so that the industry can give remarks on the needs from talent. "We have launched the skill development councils and the national skill mission to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of skilled employees," said Kapil.

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