India To Witness a 'Dalal Street' Movement?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 22:32 IST   |    6 Comments
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Bangalore: The Occupy Wall Street Protests have spread like wild fire across the western world. People feel they are being exploited by big businesses. Is corporate greed ruining our country? Could this anti-capitalist mood also come to India? Will there be an Occupy Dallal Street Movement on the lines of Wall Street? Wall Street protests may not be exactly aimed at business or capitalism as a whole, but seems to be largely against the financial sector. There have been problems in the financial sector, and people in America are protesting against it. In America, capitalism has over matured, leading to many financial problems. The last decade in U.S. has seen a tilt towards corporate sector against people. Its financial sector makes 40percent of corporate profits. The income levels of ordinary people have hardly grown. Government bailed the banks out, but made people pay for it, leading to the present outcry.

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