India Ranks 112th Globally in Internet Speed

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 22 November 2011, 00:26 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: India has crossed the 100 million internet users mark; however, the speed of browsing is still quite slow. Over the past few years, Indian government is trying hard to raise Internet invasion and the average internet speed that users avail, though it has made little difference to ground realities. Leading global Internet content delivery network, Akamai rolled out its quarterly report on "State of Internet" which reveals that comparing to the previous quarter, India has an improved internet usage, both in number and speed, though in larger scheme of things, the numbers are very disappointing. When it comes to internet speed, India is ranked at 112th globally, much lower than other Asian countries like Malaysia and Thailand which have four times faster internet speeds than India. The report also highlighted that having 100 million users is not enough, better and faster internet connectivity is equally important to avail the benefits of internet and suggested the listed below facts:
1. The quarterly comparison of state of Internet highlights The percentage of broadband connections (connections to Akamai at speeds above 2 Mbps) grew at 45 percent quarter over quarter. The percentage of narrowband connections (connections to Akamai at speeds below 256 kbps) remains one of the highest globally at 31 percent. India's average connection speed increased 13 percent quarter over quarter to 844 kbps. India was ranked eighth globally in terms of attack traffic origination with 2.7 percent of observed global attack traffic.

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