India's Best Managed Companies

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 14 October 2011, 01:00 IST   |    3 Comments
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Bangalore: Finance Asia magazine conducted a poll survey on the best managed companies in India and the top 9 best managed companies are listed below. TCS and HDFC top the list. 1. TCS:
TCS is one of the largest companies by market share and revenue. The information technology company has topped for finest management they have executed, to bring their company to a prestigious level. Natarajan Chandrashekaran the CEO and MD of the company has been formulating and executing the global strategy of the company since 2002 when he became the head of global sales. He built a new organization structure of the company while he was a chief operation officer when he joined the concern and it was disclosed in the year 2008. This organization structure led to the speed growth of the company. The market, domains and the business units showed drastic growth. The initiatives, investment abilities and new ideas by Natarajan cherished the company.

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