India's 100 Year Old Firms, That Are Still Young

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 14 October 2011, 00:27 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: The brand Dabur and Tata has been eminent from the times of forefathers and even now. Tatas and Birlas were symbol of richness for people. They have great dedication to things they aspire for. There are century old companies in India that has seen two world wars, great depression, the freedom struggle, Zamindari system, liberalization and globalization. They underwent all these periods and have created a benchmark for themselves. They have created a strong brand name for their product and have sustained it for years. Even now they come under most actively traded company. 1. Jessop and company:
The company was founded in 1788 by a renowned British Engineer William Jessop. It was before called Breen & Company. It was started in Calcutta the company is now 223 years old. It is the grandpa of all companies in India. It was the first company to build the first iron bridge in India at Lucknow and the famous Howrah Bridge in west Bengal. It is the oldest engineering company in the east of Suez manufactures is now into third century operation and currently under a private sector management. They are into hardcore engineering and have structured industrial buildings, cranes, passenger coaches, wagons, diesel road rollers and so many. The greatest achievement of this company is to bring up the first steamed boats in Indian waters. Now the company is acquired by the Ruia group.

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