IITs Need Innovation: Goverdhan Mehta

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 16 December 2011, 01:19 IST   |    7 Comments
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IITs Need Innovation: Goverdhan Mehta

Bangalore: Indian IT technologies have to make a face-lift on its activities to establish an innovation culture,  NAAC Executive  Committee Chairman, Dr. Goverdhan Mehta said to Economic Times. He stated that IT companies and technology institutions must have to be inter-linked.

Unemployment is the major issue what Indian graduates face today. It is time to re-think why our bachelor degree programmes are into increasing Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) than empowering the youngsters. We are going to cross 30 percent GRE closer, to the developed nations, which will leave us with more number of graduates without any skill sets or disciplinary capabilities. Reframing the education system has been already taken by the Government to lift up the quality of higher education system but the steps have to be taken immediately.  

Though IITs got the fame by their fabulous students , they lack strong mentorship programmes today which can help them to improve their research output, he feels. ‘Think out of the box’ is the main concept to bring out innovative and productive change in every field and this attitude should be instilled in IITians too. Giving good employment should not be the only concern, but giving a proper training under a good mentor will empower them. In terms of leadership quality, he feels that IITs do not have proper leadership to train them.

Even though IIT budget is 10 times lower than that of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), we are not far behind to build such ecosystem in Indian Tech institutes. If we have the vision, leadership and the time, we can build the same culture in Indian tech hubs also. We are capable to produce the infra-structure, he told in the interview. “You can't compare MITs with IITs. MIT budget is IIT budget multiplied by 10. But if you are an innovator, you know it very well that we can achieve many things with less inputs. Their achievements should be projected not only among the engineers, but everybody, “ he said.

We have ambitious youngsters who are educated but not adequately skilled. It is the education sector which does not have a proper system to train the young generation in such a way to craft their future by themselves. While a number of Indians are world famous for their innovations, it is remarkable that most of them are not from Indian academics. Many of the IIT grads could bring innovation while they do their internships in ‘abroad’. "Our IIT graduates, when they go abroad for summer internships, in three months they are able to do remarkable innovations. IITs have been moving in that direction, but not enough," he said.