Hyderabad Teens Build Android 2.3 Powered Tablet

Bangalore: "It was not a flowery path for us to come up with this device!", said Chiman Prakash Reddy, who is in news for developing an Android 2.3 powered tablet. Chiman and Nikhil, the teens studying in their first year from AVR & SVR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, have developed a multi- purpose gadget named "AVE". The high-end Ave tablet was recently launched by Ponnala Lakshmajah, Minister, Information Technology and Communications, Andhra Pradesh.
Hyderabad Teens Builds Android 2.3 Powered Tablet
"We were planning to release hardware for quite some time now and it's been a year we were working on this tablet. So launching the tablet was pretty good move for us to enter the market", said Chiman. The high-end tablet powered by Android 2.3 features a 7-inch display, with up to 8GB expandable memory. It also supports the1080p full HD playback, DivX including multi codec and Micro SD card of up to 32 GB. The device is said to have a good battery backup of 6 hours which is quite decent compared to other tablets available in the market. The device also sports GSM, which many tablets do not possess these days. The 3G connectivity and WiFi internet access that will keep people connected. It also sports 1.3 mega pixel front camera that enables to capture images and video chats. The tablet is being manufactured by a U.K. - based company, Sareddy Technologies, a company owned by Prakash's father and is priced at 12999. "The device is lot faster than any other tablet in the market today and it will give companies like Samsung a tough run for their money," Chiman claimed. "Being a student myself, I know the difficulties faced by students, therefore we got the price down to 12,999, so that students like me can easily avail this tablet," said Chiman. He claims that his device offers all the features as any other device in the market today that costs up to 30,000. The device is not only for students, "it will fulfill the needs of all the groups, from professionals to businessman," he said.