How to Safeguard your Workforce from Recession

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Fremont: Though the recession has grave impact on people by and large, the one segment which gets hard hit is the work force. It spells doom for them not on the financial part, but also crushes their self-esteem. The recession not only makes companies lose money, but also the trust of their employees--those who have been fired, and those who have been spared the axe, as they would be scared about their position. So how can you recession-proof your workforce? Give them more Control over Work
How to Safeguard your Workforce from Recession
Employees tend to enjoy their work more, when they are given more control over what they are have to do. A snoopy eye will not only reduce their productivity, but also bring down their morale. Though the control they will be given has to have a limit, but make sure that they don't have to approach a senior for every petty matter. Encourage them to be part of meetings, brainstorming sessions, and went out what they feel. This will help you to get a bird's eye view of what your employees think, and what changes can be made to make them feel more comfortable.

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