How to Motivate Your Employees?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 27 October 2011, 22:11 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Motivating someone is the best work to do. In a company, almost every employee wants to do interesting work, earn a good salary and they expect recognition for their contribution to the company. At this situation what a manager can do is that he or she can create an environment in which employees feel motivated. Usually employees get motivated by doing interesting and challenging works. It helps them to increase their responsibility. Motivated employees are needed in our rapidly changing workplaces. A positive motivation helps people to achieve goals, create the power to change, it helps to manage their own development and help others and it helps in gaining a positive perspective. A positive motivation philosophy and practice must try to improve productivity, quality and service. Here are five ways of motivating your employee: Introduce yourself personally:
Introduce yourself personally:
It is the duty of the employer to introduce themselves to the newly joined employee because for an employee who has newly joined to the company the whole company's atmosphere is new; the people over there are new. At that time to make them comfortable the employer should introduce himself and then ask about the employee's interest and goals. This will make them feel comfortable because they come to know that their employers are interested in knowing their interests and goals and it will make them feel better about their jobs.

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