How to Get Yourself into Debt

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 December 2011, 23:50 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: There are hundreds of articles regarding debt but seldom do you stumble upon an article that in fact tells you the best ways to get into debt. It's time to end the prejudice and give people who fancy getting into debt a list of tips and tricks to make sure they fruitfully accomplish their monetary goal!

Let's face it, frolicsome expenses and flouting all the conventional, stay-out-of-debt regulations can be enjoyable and the hassle allied with being in liability can be exciting for many people. And for those

For those of you who get thrilled at the consideration of guaranteeing you are in debt and are frivolous at the proposal of being giddy and using your wealth to have as much fun as humanly possible, here are the best ways to make certain you are flat out, 100 percent penniless.

Get a credit card (or two or three or ten) and don't pay them off

The greatest things ever fashioned for people who want to attain the status of "in debt" – Credit Cards - are quite simply the best option. Watch the quantity you owe raise year after year because of a great little thing called interest. Fun? Go ahead and charge away! Buy that gruesome rooster sunshade holder or that advertisement merchandise that you know won't work or that super luxurious device that you will never use! Max out your credit cards and see how in debt you can get!

Never save money

Hasn't anyone heard the saying, "Tomorrow is not guaranteed"? Doesn’t saving sound extremely overrated? Go forward and pertain this saying to your money. You could live to be 100, but, you could die tomorrow! If you were to kick the bucket, would you really want to risk having a bunch of money sitting around unused? Obviously not! Forget about retirement, forget about having an emergency fund, and just forget about savings in general! Make sure you go out and live it up by spending every last penny.

Be lazy

Why in the name of lord would you ever want to cook for yourself, clean the house on your own, water the plants or even wash your car? It’s utterly arcane as to why anyone why anyone would do these things when there are people out there who will do these things for you! The best part- these people will charge you three times as much as it would have cost you to just do the chore by hand, making sure that not only do you get to be lethargic, but also get to confirm you are moving towards being entirely penniless! Sounds like a win-win situation?

Try to win big

Whether you love playing the sweepstake or betting at the casino, this is definitely one of the most enjoyable and thrilling ways to blow all your money! Why is it so exhilarating? Since you have an infinitesimal probability to win more money! And if you don't succeed, at least you tried and had a blast watching your money vanish.