How to Find Your Next Competitive Edge?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 December 2011, 01:57 IST   |    4 Comments
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Bangalore:  Who doesn’t want to be a good leader? To become a good leader you must be capable of handing all the dual responsibilities which you have to fulfill to be a successful leader. Leadership is all about defining reality and then laying out a path towards success. A leader must have the quality of innovation which can be helpful for further improvement and change which can lead to success of the organization.

If you are a manager, an executive or an industrialist, first thing you must understand is, for you nothing else can be unique than your business. So you are responsible for the success of your business dealings and also you are in charge of taking up the challenges and also the rewards which you get on behalf of your company.

As a leader, it is a very big mistake if you thinking that you are not really a business leader as you just direct a small working group and as you are only responsible for internal services, you don’t have to think the marketplace.

A successful leader must have the capacity of affecting the future growth and sustainability of his or her company. Andrea Kate, Business Genome project creator, has provided some of the compelling insights in her book “Find Your Next”.

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