How to Deal with a Narcissistic Boss?

By siliconindia   |    1 Comments
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Fremont: A common form of leadership, narcissists like to be in charge, and according to a study, published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people with high narcissism traits tend to take control of leaderless groups. Narcissistic leaders leave a lot to be desired, and are hated by their employees, for a sole reason--they feel the world revolves around them. Narcissistic superiors spell doom for others, as they don't let their subordinates get recognized and rewarded, and they tend to like drama. They are attracted to big changes and risk s and don't show much of emotional intelligence. They would be very sensitive about their ego, but not care a dime about others. People like Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, and Bernie Ebbers are classic examples of modern narcissistic leaders, who took their companies to great heights (but made life tough for their employees), and made the people who stuck with them richer. So when narcissistic leaders are so tough, how can you cope up with a narcissistic boss, who is lost in his or her own glory? Keep Him or Her at an Arm's Length
How to Deal with a Narcissistic CEO?
A narcissist is like a tempting candy in the candy shop; you eat it and later develop cavities. He or she would try to be intimate with you and make you put your guards down to confide in him or her. This is just a trap to catch you at your weakest point. If possible stay away from him, and if you are the person who has to deal directly with him, make sure that your conversations are polite, respectful, and most importantly professional. A narcissist loves praises, so make sure that you give him enough of the dope, but make sure not to overdo it, as it might present you as the boss's sidekick to others in the organization (which might not be healthy). Also, many a narcissists can spell people bootlicking them in order to be spared the axe. So the point here is try to avoid him, and if not possible, just make him look good--but beware.

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