How to Deal With Your Abusive Boss?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 13 September 2011, 23:37 IST
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Bangalore: Does your boss use foul language or yelling at you always? Such activities can lead to a serious trauma in you. But you have to take it as a challenge as survival of you in an organization with respect. Learn to handle and manage such situations, because you never know, when you quit your job, the next company you join may have a worst boss. Can't predict your boss? Here are the tips to deal with your abusive boss: Avoid arguments:
Are you egoistic in nature? Don't take your ego with you to your workplace. Learn to compromise with the negative vibes in office. If your boss is abusive, it depicts that he is dominating and can never stand people who stab him in front of his face. So don't ever argue with him even if he is wrong and you are right.

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