How to Create a Personal Brand in the Corporate Culture

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 December 2011, 02:12 IST   |    10 Comments
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Bangalore:  In today’s competitive business world, personal branding is very important for success. It is very crucial for every individual to uphold his personal brand in every prospect of life, no matter what they recite or accomplish. If you want people to recognize you, then remember that personal brand is like an affirmation and spectators are observing you to assure that you are regularly renewing it. However, the process of creating a personal brand is not an overnight process, but once it is achieved you can easily gain recognition as an expert in your field and your chances of success become more prominent. Suggested below are few branding tips in the corporate world.


1. Personal conduct: The most important thing in a business is to maintain good personal conduct within the organization. This includes your behavior, the way you interact with people within the organization, usage of proper language with your colleagues, ability to control your emotions, temper, the way you shake your hands, eye contacts etc. A good personal conduct will help you to maintain a good image. Likewise a bad personal presence will ruin your image immediately. Hence it is very crucial for every employee to maintain a personal brand regardless of what they say or do.

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