How to Battle Lethargy in Office

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 15 September 2011, 17:48 IST
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Bangalore: On every Fridays, each one of us have a delightful feeling that finally our relaxing days have come and we start planning our programs for the week end and spend some quality time with our family and friends. But as soon as the short weekend gets over, we have awful feelings running in our mind that again the busy working days have begun, and at the same time we become lethargic of getting up and start our work as usual. Similarly, there are some people who have sleep related problems, which reduces their energy levels and this leaves them lethargic for most of their working days. Such people suffer from "Hypersomnia". People with this problem feel like sleeping every few hours due to their poor sleeping habits and they feel tired throughout the day and this may affect their work in the office. To overcome this Lethargic attitude in office, here are five ways given below: Have a cup of coffee:
Have a cup of coffee:
Whenever you feel sleepy or tired during your work, try having a cup of coffee. The caffeine that is included in it stimulates the heart and respiratory system, which will help you to overcome your sleep or tiredness and makes you active to work again. But make sure you don't get addicted to it everytime as it may lead you to side-effects.

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