How can Entrepreneurs build their People Skills

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Fremont: Being an entrepreneur, you are always surrounded by people, so hiding in a corner since you don't know how to tackle people is totally out of question. Also known as 'emotional intelligence', people skills help you to get along better with others--who get you business and who help you run the business. So here is how you can be a good 'people's person'. Be the Initiator
How can Entrepreneurs build their People Skills
The first step to any relationship is communication, so be the initiator. Talk about topics that you like, and you will be sure to get someone else who shares the same interests--this keeps the conversation going on. Be friendly, smile, make eye confident, sound confident, and don't boss your way around--people like to open up and talk to a person they can relate with, not with a person who is bossy. Be an active listener, and be aware of other's feelings and emotions.

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