How You Need to Follow Work Place Ethics?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 11 October 2011, 23:43 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore:Ethics is the moral philosophy that everyone should follow at home or at workplace. Work place ethics depends upon the values which are based on hard work and diligence. These ethics also include pursuing new skills, being reliable etc. At workplace, it is the duty of the company to establish some ethics for the company as well as for its employees to avoid corruption and bribery which is constantly in news at the present day. It's important for the company to ensure that each one of its employees must follow the right thing to do even in the midst of competitive work pressure. A good work ethics includes a positive attitude towards all the give projects, where one must be ready to go to any extent to get their work done successfully, creating an environment where there is great teamwork flourishing and have the ability to encourage your co-workers best performances. Good work ethics is like an ingredient in the success of your company. To achieve this goal, Manish Sinha has described certain roles that both the company and its employees have to follow:
Develop a code of ethics:
The company's role: Develop a code of ethics: A company must develop certain codes so that it can have detailed guidelines for work place behavior and professional integrity. Companies can set up online courses for training on ethics for the employees.

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