How India Differs in Work Culture From Others?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 13 October 2011, 00:41 IST   |    15 Comments
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Bangalore: The work culture of India is the reflection of various norms and standard followed by its people. There are different work culture in every country .Work occupies most of our life and it's very important to have a good work culture so that employees can enjoy their work life. There are many differences between U.S and Indian work culture. Sayantani Kar and Preeti Khicha explained the difference of the work culture in India and U.S, reports Rediff Business. In India, employees have a definite expectation from their work and they have a definite way of following it. There are various factors that differs Indian work culture from U.S. Here are few differences of work culture Relationship between the boss and subordinates
Relationship between the boss and subordinates
In India, the relationship between boss and subordinates are very formal and hierarchical, whereas in U.S it is completely a transparent culture. However it varies from company to company and there is a level of informality and an open culture in U.S.

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