Highest Paid Authors in the World

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 15 October 2011, 00:32 IST   |    3 Comments
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Bangalore: The highest paid authors do have few things in common that brings them great rewards for their works. Their creativity and imagination when put into books becomes a marvelous work. To be an author one doesn't need to like studying but for sure should be fond of the language and writing. Every student who read harry potter wanted to become a wizard. The uniqueness they bring into their fictions fascinates the readers and those fictional characters so inspire them. Below is the list of the highest paid authors who have been rewarded for their splendid work they have shown in their writing. 1.James Patterson:
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James earned $84 million in the year 2010 and made him top the list of highest paid authors in the world. The Alex Cross series novelist has written a dozen of thriller series and is one of the most famous writers in the world level. James has signed a 17-book deal with Hachette in the year 2009 valued $150 million. In the year 2010 at least 20 books written by he was included in the bestseller list.

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