Hazare Could be BJP's Presidential Candidate

Monday, 10 October 2011, 15:26 IST   |    5 Comments
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Hazare Could be BJP's Presidential Candidate
AGRA: Anna Hazare could be fielded by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as an all-party opposition candidate in the 2012 presidential elections, Congress leader Digvijay Singh said. "I don't know how far it is true, but I have heard that BJP has told Anna Hazare that he could be the all-party candidate for the 2012 president's election," the Congress general secretary told reporters here. He said that it is for Hazare to say if anything like this has been proposed to him since he always says that he is not a political person. Referring to the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) statement claiming that it was part of Hazare's movement, Digvijay Singh said: "Anna Hazare demanded that I should be sent to a mental asylum when I alleged the RSS hand...now that RSS itself is saying that they supported Anna Hazare... then now Anna should also accompany me to the mental asylum. Check-ups should be done on both of us." The Congress and Team Anna are at loggerheads with Hazare appealing to people not to vote for Congress in the Oct 13 Hisar by-election in Haryana. "If Anna Hazare wants to get into politics, he should form his own party," said Digvijay Singh.
Source: IANS