Has Team Anna Lost Its Way?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 21 October 2011, 00:56 IST   |    32 Comments
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Bangalore: With two of its core members quitting the committee and more expected to follow their steps, Team Anna, embroiled in fresh controversies, seems to have lost its way. The movement that began with a great cause is at the brink of self-destruction now with its disparate members who came together fired by their individual cause and ambition, are choosing to walk the path of dissension on ideological differences.
Team anna
As the apolitical nature of the movement fades away, the group is imploding at its own political peril. It?s an undeniable fact that it's the non-partisan character that earned the great goodwill and lion share of support for Anna Hazare and his mighty team. It's not just the mass appeal the team gathered over the last year is slipping away from its grip, rather the confidence that it has built among the masses that is weakening over the internal issues. While there are hundreds of reasons to corner the Congress Party in the Hisar by-polls, it's the undemocratic decision to campaign against the Congress party by a few of its prominent members that irked activists P V Rajagopal and 'Waterman' Rajinder Singh who quit the core committee. They have publicly accused that the team is turned political.

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