HDFC launches HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund (Growth)

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 27 June 2011, 20:57 IST
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HDFC launches HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund (Growth)
Bangalore: HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund, launched as a 3 year close ended equity scheme has been converted into an open ended equity scheme that was set off on June 25, 2007. The objective of this scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation from a portfolio that is substantially constituted of equity and equity related securities of Small and Mid-Cap companies. Chirag Setalvad is the fund manager of HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund with the fund size being 1320.71 as on May 31, 2011. The latest Net asset value was 15.82 as on June 24, 2011. The dividend yielded was 1.44 as on May 2011. The PE ratio is 20.21 as on August 31,2010. The features of this scheme are; the minimum investment amount required is 5000. The load structure will be, exit load 1 percent if redeemed before 1 year. The benchmark index is CNX midcap. The corpus of this scheme will be 1151.29 crore. The funds top sectoral holdings are into Banking, Capital Goods, Pharmaceuticals, Auto & Auto ancilliaries. Some of the key holders are IPCA Laboratories, Carborundum Universal, Lupin. The fund is recommended for aggressive and moderate investors with a horizon of 2-3 yrs.