HCL Sets Up Training Centers For Freshers

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 22 November 2011, 22:17 IST   |    5 Comments
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Bangalore: HCL Technologies plans to shift the way it hires. The company is setting up two training campuses for freshers in Nagpur and Manesar and it is expected to be ready within three years, reports Pranav Nambiar from The Times of India. The same kind of practice is followed by IT majors like TCS, Infosys Technologies and Wipro and they are spending huge amounts of resources on training freshers. HCL's hiring strategy has been based on project needs rather than building a large bench of recruits through campus hiring in expectation of future projects. The percentage of lateral hires for HCL has been greater than competitors because the company has the policy of hiring larger proportions of laterals, who are of three to eight years experience. They usually prefer professionals who are well trained and have the ability to get on with the job swiftly. An analyst from the IT sector told that the company is looking to reduce the proportion of laterals from historical levels of 70 percent to around 20-40 percent, which is the norm for top tier IT companies. For the year 2011 the level of lateral hires stood at 80 percent at HCL. HCL officials told that they have already started to get ready for the future with the proportion of laterals added in the September quarter standing at 55 percent. R Vaidyanathan, head-operations at HCL, told that the company is setting up training facilities for logistical reasons and the company is growing in scale with large employee base of over 80,000 employees. As the company did not elaborate on the investments it has to rely upon rented premises to train the new recruits. The campuses are expected to have a capacity of around 6,000 to 7,000 and it has a four to twelve week training cycle. The company's strategy of recruiting a larger proportion of expensive laterals has attracted the margins of the company which is lowest amongst peers. The company now enjoys the highest revenue per employee after having the lowest revenue per employee five years back.