Google, The World's Most Attractive Employer

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 16:10 IST
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Bangalore: Google is a dream workplace for many aspiring students. According to a study, done by Universum, more business and engineering students say they want to work at Google than any other company, reports Sharon Gaudin from Computer World. Google had been leading the employer's market from last three years and it has been ranked at the top of its 2011 list of the top 50 global businesses and engineering companies to work for - the third year in a row. Universum did two surveys on people seeking jobs in business and another for those looking for engineering positions. Google came out as the most attractive employer for both the categories. Other tech companies like Microsoft, Apple, IBM and Intel are also cited as sought-after employers, which specializes in what it calls employer branding, according to the study. Google is followed by auditor KPMG, where most B-Schools students want to work, while engineering graduates picked tech giant IBM as their second choice. For engineering students, software giant Microsoft is the third choice, followed by car-maker BMW (fourth), chip-maker Intel (fifth), electronics company Sony (sixth), tech firm Apple (seventh), GE (eighth), Siemens (ninth) and consumer goods group Procter & Gamble (10th).

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