Gartner Feels Google Too Late for iTune Rivalry

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 18 November 2011, 00:52 IST   |    3 Comments
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Bangalore: Google is too late to make an entry into market of online music when all the players have already established their games, feels Ray Valdes, an analyst at Gartner in San Jose California. Ray said that it's a saturated market and Google's expansion into the world of movies, films and televisions is behind schedule.
Google Too Late for iTune Rivalry
Almost after a decade, Google stepped into the huge market of online music, posing threats to Apple, which dictates the dome and is the largest seller of songs on web.Google unveiled the service at an event in Los Angeles which allows users to store and stream more than 20,000 songs online and listen to multiple tracks on multiple devices. Including Vivendi SA's Universal Music Group, partnership is done with around 1000 records that offer a total of 13 million songs. It will also allow users to share music on its Google+ social network. Apple has come up with its first iTune store back in 2003, and Google's entry in the market is just like an escalation of the rivalry between the two companies, which are already giving each other a run for their money in terms of smartphone users and mobile advertising customers. The list of competitors doesn't end here. The search giant Google has to face which has strengthened its root in music-download and storage service. Spotify is also ready to give a tough competition, whose recent partnership with Facebook kept up its U.S. membership this year.

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