Gadgets That You Wish to be Invented

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 September 2011, 23:00 IST   |    8 Comments
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Bangalore: Technology has traveled a long way over the years; from performing a function of your phone just by tapping your palm to a wireless headphones with hearing aids, is all very much possible today. 3D and Plasma television, GPS navigating systems have become normal trends of the day, with so much of technological inventions at present, where the future of technology is heading too and what is that we want the tech giants to focus on and usher us. Although we have too much to choose from, at times we all wish for gadgets that will relief us from our pain, frustrations and agony. We went on to ask some professionals, what is the gadget that they wanted to invent and we arrived at some interesting answers from them. Here are best 10 of them. 1. Mind Reader
Mind Reader
It will be interesting to have a gadget that could read people's mind, this way we do not have to depend on false lie detectors to catch hold of petty thieves. The mind reader can be a great gadget to know people with confidential and private attitude; it can even, at times prevent crimes by tracking any malicious intention.

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