Freedom Fighters to Stay Away from R day Function

Thursday, 26 January 2012, 04:19 IST   |    1 Comments
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Kendrapara (Odisha): After 18-year wait for 'Sangrami Bhawan' land, the freedom fighters from Kendrapara district have decided to stay away from the official Republic day function tomorrow. Instead, they have planned a parallel republic day function. "After waiting in vain to get a piece of government land to bring up Sangrami Bhawan, we have resolved not to participate in the Republic Day function that is being organised on Thursday by Kendrapara district administration," Purusottam Nayak, chief of district freedom fighters' forum, said. Stating that the freedom fighters have rejected the invitation of the administration, Nayak said though the authorities are planning to felicitate them on the occasion, none would turn up. "It would be a symbolic protest in true spirits of Gandhianism," he said. Eighteen years back, the district administration had given written consent to hand over the required patch of land near the Kendrapara College but that was yet to materialize. Asked to comment, Kendrapara Collector Pradipta Kumar Pattnaik said, "a site has been selected earlier for this purpose. However there was litigation over the selected plot. The administration had offered yet another plot for freedom fighters' bhawan in the city outskirts. But the freedom fighters' association insisting on allotment of land in the heart of the town."
Source: PTI