Five Facebook Mannerism

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 22 August 2011, 15:55 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: Facebook is the best way to keep in touch with friends and people you love. Sometimes it becomes horrendous for people who are more into professionalism and social life. The use of privacy settings and the site in proper way will lead to the healthy relationship with people on your list. Don't think if someone doesn't accept your friend request it's an insult and keep holding grudge towards the person. Simply moving on is the best solution. 1.Don't abuse the person if he/she doesn't accept your friend request:
Friend request on facebook
There is nothing to panic if a person does not accept your friend request. Even if you know the person and have spoke to the person before they might not be interested to have you on their account. It's nothing like he/she hates you but they may be more reserved and prefer more of privacy in life. So understand these things. Never abuse the person for not accepting your request or take revenge. It is just a website to socialize.

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