Facebook joins hands with Microsoft to fight child porn

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 24 May 2011, 00:58 IST
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Bangalore: Backing up its pledge to put an end to child pornography, Facebook has decided to partner with Microsoft to use the latter's technology to prevent child porn on its site. Facebook will use the image analysis technology co-invented by Microsoft known as 'PhotoDNA' that can find child pornography on its site. The social networking giant has joined the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's PhotoDNA program, a service originally designed and developed by Microsoft Research and Dartmouth College in 2009. It uses image-matching technology to find known depictions of child pornography across the Web. PhotoDNA service creates a signature for every image, similar to a fingerprint, and compares that to signatures of known images. Facebook with its millions of connections plans to use the technology to stop child pornography circulating though the site. Microsoft has been very successful with the PhotoDNA service and the company has analyzed more than 2 billion images through its Bing image search and SkyDrive identifying 1,500 matches and 1,000 matches on Bing and SkyDrive respectively.