Facebook Unveils its Long Awaited iPad App

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 11 October 2011, 23:38 IST
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Facebook Unveils its Long Awaited iPad App
Bangalore: It seemed that the wait is never going to get over, but at last, waiting was paid off as Facebook unveils its iPad App. One of the important features of the iPad-specific app is its incorporation with other iOS apps. The Facebook app will send you straight to other apps when you navigate to them from a friend's news post or status update. For instance, if a friend posted a link from The Daily, clicking the link would take you to The Daily app itself. The app also supports high resolution photos that can be flipped through like a photo album. At the same time, it also features Nearby mapping which enables to see where friends are located. Facebook mobile engineer Leon Dubinsky writes, "Use your fingertips to scroll through your News Feed. Give the screen a swipe to page through albums." He said the app displays photos that can be flipped like real photo album. The apps, group, games and lists are featured on left-hand side of the screen, along with notification and messages at the top. Facebook has also announced to give games and apps directly into the mobile and also plans to extend its own Facebook Credits payment system into the apps. It needs game developers to use Credits exclusively. Luke Shepard, Facebook software development engineer writes, "By requiring games to use Credits on both mobile web and apps on Facebook, we offer our shared users a simple and consistent experience when buying virtual goods in games." Facebook's iPad app was supposed to appear last week at Apple's iPhone event, but was a no-show. Earlier this summer, the app was revealed hidden inside the iPhone app. By tweaking a setting when running it on your iPad, you could access the iPad version, until the hack was disabled. You can avail the app for yourself from the App Store.