Facebook Dominates Social Websites in Southeast Asia

Tuesday, 15 November 2011, 20:20 IST
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Jakarta: Facebook dominates social websites in Southeast Asia as more than 50 percent of netizens have an active profile on it, a report said. The report released by Nielsen, a global information and measurement company, said that 91 percent of Indonesian digital consumers maintain an active profile on Facebook, the highest across the region. Netizens in the Philippines follow with 81 percent, Malaysia 78 percent, Singapore 77 percent and Thailand 56 percent, Xinhua reported. Viraj Juthani, director of telecom practice at Nielsen, told reporters that social networking sites are becoming increasingly popular as a means of engaging with consumers. "Social media platforms offer myriad opportunities for organisations to engage with consumers, and social media is becoming an increasingly critical means of influencing consumer decision making," said Juthani.
Source: IANS