Facebook Announces a Major Privacy Revamp

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 25 August 2011, 00:12 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: Facebook today declared a major overhaul to its users' control over their privacy on the site. The changes make sure the items posted on the site would now have their own sharing settings, determining who could access or see them. The changes also ensure that a person, tagged in a posting such as a photo or video, has the option to confirm or remove their identity before it appears on their profile. This would also eliminate the ill effects of spiteful tagging used by some to add other people's name to unpleasant images. Here is a detailed information about the privacy changes that Facebook has brought about for its users. Universal Tagging
Universal Tagging
Earlier, members could not tag someone who was not a Facebook friend. Facebook has abandoned this rule. It would now allow users to tag people who are non-friends by seeking their prior approval before the tags appear on their profiles. In a blog post on the current revamp, Facebook described its previous policy as 'awkward' and 'broken'. However, the new one could bring its own headaches, from raising new privacy concerns (do people really want strangers tagging them in photos?) to offering a potential new avenue for spammers to reach out to users. Location Tagging Facebook has also expanded the ways in which users can tag locations in their posts. Any Facebook post, whether entered using a phone, PC or tablet, can now include a location.

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