External Right-Wing Groups Funded Babri Demolition

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 22 September 2011, 20:06 IST   |    10 Comments
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Bangalore: According to the latest report by the Central Bureau of Investigation, the 6th December 1992 demolition of Babri Masjid had the financial backing of some foreign-based right-wing outfits, reports Pradip R Sagar from DNA. The report that contains this startling revelation will be submitted to the ministry of home affairs by the end of this month. "Some foreign-based right-wing organizations provided substantial funding to sustain the mass movement. A considerable part of the funds was routed through the hawala channel," the article quoted a senior CBI official. It's reported that nearly 120 crore to 150 crore was poured into the campaign as donations by sympathizers. "The actual amount spent on the movement was much higher," a source claimed. The CBI report is understood to have learned the names of people and organizations that sponsored the demolition of the historic but controversial mosque in Ayodhya. However, none of the names are made public yet. The apex investigative body has reportedly identified the role of 10 people in funding the demolition, but chose not to charge-sheet them now. The home ministry had handed over the controversial report by the Liberhan Commission that investigated the demolition of Babri Masjid, to the CBI in November 2009. This followed an investigation into the money trail for the movement by the CBI DIG, Enforcement Directorate and income tax officials.