Essential Vitamins for Great Skin

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 25 August 2011, 00:06 IST
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Bangalore: We all know beauty comes from within but it's extremely nice when it's written all over your face, too, isn't it? Vitamins play an important role in your complexion and skin texture. Here are some essential vitamins which add glow and firmness to your skin. Make sure you get these vitamins from your daily diet. Vitamin C Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant and essential vitamin for skin health. It can help fight the signs of skin aging. Vitamin C is very important when it comes to the production of collagen. Collagen support skins texture, and firmness. And it makes your skin supple. So if you wish to retain smooth and youthful skin then Vitamin C is the solution. Citrus fruits are good sources of Vitamin C so try to make these fruits compulsory in your everyday diet. Also, Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, tomato, sprouts B complex B Vitamins are essential in your diet if you want to achieve a healthy glowing skin. Vitamin B1 boosts the blood circulation in the body and gives your skin a certain glow. Lack of vitamin B can cause dry skin, hair loss and itchiness. Your nails also can be affected due to lack of vitamin B. Vitamin B3 helps your skin receive plenty of oxygen, which prevents development of acne and other skin problems. Egg yolks, nuts and raisins are rich in Vitamin B1. Vitamin A Lack of vitamin A might make your skin scaly and dry. The first property of vitamin A is its ability to stimulate growth. It is also an essential vitamin when it comes to healing scrapes, wounds and other skin damages. Vitamin A is also a great anti-aging nutrient. Vitamin A enriched foods include citrus fruits, carrots, tomatoes, yellow squash, pumpkin, liver and more. Vitamin E Vitamin E is most important and essential vitamin for healthy skin. Free radicals are one of the major causes of premature skin aging; it is caused by smoking, pollution and sun exposure. Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in your body. You can even apply vitamin E products to reduce age spots, wrinkles, stretch marks and lines. Vitamin E rich foods include olives, sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, wheat germ and leafy vegetables.