Entrepreneurs who did Cameo in Movies

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Fremont: Movies are a source of inspiration for several entrepreneurs. However, there have been various movies based on the lives of entrepreneurs, there are a few who can't resist being on screen instead of just watching them. So, here are a few business magnets who also have had cameos in various movies. Richard Branson
Entrepreneurs who did Cameo in Movies
Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is U.K's fifth richest person and is business magnate who is best known for his Virgin Group of over 400 companies. He is a movie freak and a fan of Star Trek. He named his new spaceship VSS Enterprise in honour of the famous Star Trek ships and even offered the actor William Shatner a free ride on the inaugural space launch of Virgin Galactic. Richard Branson has guest starred in several movies including Around the World in 80 Days (2004), where he played a hot-air balloon operator; Superman Returns, where he credited as a Shuttle Engineer and also appeared alongside his son, Sam, with a Virgin Galactic-style commercial suborbital shuttle at the centre of his storyline. Branson also did cameo in James Bond series Casino Royale, where he was seen as a passenger going through Miami Airport security check-in and being frisked. During the time when he launched Virgin Mobile in India, he even played a cameo performance in Bollywood movie London Dreams.

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