Emerging Workplace Trends

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Freemont: Startups are known for bringing in changes in the way people work, as they use the latest in the technology, which transforms the workspace. Technology and the creativity adopted by startups has led to the introduction of many trends, some of which are discussed here. Cloud office
Workplace Trends Introduced by Emerging Startups
In layman's language, it means that you need not spend on managing the hardware and the software, as an experienced vendor like salesforce.com will do that. You pay for what you need, are automatically upgraded and can scale up or down according to your convenience. It promises significant savings in the administrative costs and allow on the fly, point-and-click customization and generation of reports. These have enabled people to work from home, as the required data will be available online, rather than being on a fixed server, thus giving freedom and flexibility to the employees.

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