Emerging Indian Cities for Business

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Bangalore: The rapidly growing business in India has already captured the existing business hubs. The entrepreneurs are exploring new cities to be their new business centers as these cities provide more benefits as compared to the existing and flooded business hubs of India. Below mentioned are the five emerging business cities of India. Ahmedabad
Named after its founder, Sultan Ahmed Shah in 1411, Ahmedabad is fast emerging as the next IT hub of India. With more than 65 percent of the population under the age of 35, the state has several other advantages to its credit. It has efficient and solid infrastructure and also an improved standard of English. With TCS and Symbiosis coming up with big development centre near the city, it is sure that other big companies will follow the trend. With hundreds of designing and development companies, internet marketing firms and call centers, the city has been continuously rising in the IT sector and has become a major attraction for people who look outsources their work in order to gain maximum profits. Various other facilities such as world class international airport, high quality roads and power supply without any disturbance are the added factors, which make it a perfect choice for being the new business city of India.

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