Does Technology Destroy Jobs?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 18 November 2011, 00:51 IST   |    22 Comments
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Bangalore: At present where technology is advancing day by day it has turned out to be a big question whether technology is helping people or is it taking away work from employees. Many of us think that technology is the brightest spot in the economy, where we can see most of the innovation and job creation. But if we look at the over all contribution of the advanced technology across every industry it does not look so good because these new technologies are been cursed by the workers who are loosing their job. These new technologies have become so advanced that the companies are adopting it for their services and they are taking away the jobs of employees. This has become the main reason for many people in the world to be unemployed. At present the laborers are being displaced by technology and it is becoming more evident even in our everyday lives. Many of the business organizations are stepping up the pace of automations. Every job is been affected by the technology right from engineering to farming.

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