Do You have the Right Partner for your Business?

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Fremont: How can you sink your startup even before you start? Just by selecting the wrong co-founders. If you are starting a company, one of the important decisions that you need to make is the selection of the co-founder. Some entrepreneurs feel that finding a co-founder is more difficult than finding a life partner. You require more compatibility and union for that 100 percent growth in the business. As startups are very challenging and needs someone to share the ups and downs of the business, and to form a great board for ideas and to get things done in immensely valuable way. While making a friend you wish the person to be just like you, so that you can enjoy and share more. But this is just the opposite in case of selecting a co-founder. The best co-founding team for a startup is a group of two or three people who have synergetic - not overlapping - skills. The similarities should be in terms of goals and passion. So what should you look upon while selecting co-founders for your startup? The below mentioned points might help you find an answer to it. To The Table
 How to Pick Co-Founder for your Startup?
Check for what the person can bring in with him to the table. The person whom you want to attach to your business should not only share the pie of profit, but should help in making the pie larger. The person should have a vested interest in keeping the founding track going on and if you are distracted, he or she should be able to bring you back on track. He or she should be capable enough to bring in a healthy brainstorming session to get new and much enhanced ideas for the startup.

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