Different Forms of Martial Arts in India

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 11 February 2012, 01:31 IST   |    3 Comments
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Bangalore: India is the motherland of different fighting forms. In Sanskrit all these fighting forms are collectively known as sastravidya or dhanurveda.  The initial form of martial art started in South India which now has different forms and names in different parts of India. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali taught how to meditate single-mindedly on points located inside one's body in 3rd century BC, this skill was later used in martial arts along with  various mudra (finger movements) which was taught in Yogacara Buddhism. The elements of yoga and finger movements were incorporated with the nata dances which later took the form of different martial arts.


Kalarippayattu form of martial art is form Kerala and is one of the oldest fighting systems in existence. This form of fighting is practiced in many parts of South India. Kalarippayattu involves strikes, kicks, grappling, preset forms, weaponry and healing methods, the footwork movement is said to be the most important in this fighting form. Some movements of Kalarippayattu is also implied in Kerala ancient dance form ‘Kathakali’, and many Indian dance have even made Kalarippayattu as part of their exercise routine.

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