Dealing With Office Politics

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 27 July 2011, 01:14 IST   |    21 Comments
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How many of you have ever got into office politics? Or have ever quit your job because you could not handle office politics anymore? Office politics is common in every organization, though we do not want to get into it yet we cannot stay completely out of it too. A prominent topic within any work campus and one of its gruesome impacts is that one can even lose one's job in the hands of some political players. In fact, it is always seen that despite all efforts in some way or the other one ends up being involved directly or indirectly in it. The level of politics also differ from organization to organization, while some are very explicit and are completely immersed in a deep corporate political environment, others maintain a subtle approach within boardrooms. So, a quick survey allowed us to see how employees in various office environments are coping with the scenario and here we enlist a few of them which are said to be most effective. Be Professional
Professionalism is the best credo to stay out of politics. Maintain a mindset that your office or workplace is purely a professional place, where you go for just work. You should maintain a professional attitude towards your colleagues or your boss, without entertaining any get- personal talks. Be reserved and avoid making yourself the talk of your office.

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