Criticize Your Boss On FB: Get Fired

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 21 September 2011, 00:55 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Many a times in workplaces, the employees get frustrated by their boss or supervisors behavior. Sometimes there may be clashes between the employee and their employers because of some or the other reason. Employees who are frustrated with their boss, inspires them to criticize them some way or the other, like they criticize them in front of their co-workers or on social networking sites like Facebook , twitter, orkut etc.
Criticizing your boss
Criticizing your boss is like asserting authority over them and also its better not to do the same in front of others as it may affect you negatively. Have a good relationship with your boss, so that when you give feedback he can take it in a positive way and you don't need to criticize him in front of others.

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