Credit Card Personality, Are You One of This?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 00:18 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Have you ever thought what kind of a credit card user you are? Managing Finance is a complex task but it will be a risky one if you don’t check yourself on your credit card usage. Many handle the credit cards in their own way, some are highly disciplined and never fail to pay their monthly installments and some others are so messy that they are always on the top of the defaulter's list. Credit card usage can be a way of falling into the debt trap if used unwisely. Debit card always limits your power of spending, but credit card provides you the unlimited authority which becomes a necessary evil. Here are few credit card personalities which would help you to figure out what kind of personality you have, so that you can select the best suited credit card for you.

The Beginner

This is the initial stage when you first got  your own credit card. This beginner stage is when you just graduated and got your first job. This is the time when you don’t have much saved money and hence don’t need to do a financial planning. This is the time when you have more tendency of using credit card thoughtlessly. For beginners it is always advisable that you should not take credit cards of higher limits. As a beginner you should plan wisely how to use your credit card, and always be cautious, so that you don’t end up getting into a trouble of debt later. Once you cross this stage, you will get to know how to manage your finance, and then you can opt for credit cards with a higher limit.

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