Controversial CEOs of India

By siliconindia   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Success brings glamour and prestige, but controversy accompanies it as a free gift. But for some, controversy becomes a part of their life as they themselves create it. We present you four Indian CEOs who are the most controversial CEOs. Phaneesh Murthy
With the successful acquisition of Patni by iGATE and Phaneesh Murthy appointed as the CEO of Patni, the life of Murthy might have changed. But what he cannot part of with is the controversy of his lifetime, that was full of blackmail, sex, stalking, threats, oppression, hurt feelings and revenge. He resigned from his post in June 2002, saying that he had to fight a lawsuit filed against him in the U.S., which was filed by his former secretary, Rekha Maximovitch. Rekha alleged that Murthy had sexually harassed her and unlawfully terminated her employment. A never heard case in the Indian corporate world attracted a lot of media coverage.

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