Computers: Then and Now

By siliconindia   |    2 Comments
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Santa Clara: Changes are the phenomenal process in the universe since its evolution. Remember the animated series of Mickey Mouse! The cartoon was a two dimensional series. But today, the technology has turned its head high. We are going to experience the four dimensional movies. And this is made possible by the ever enhancing technology and improving innovation techniques in "Computers". Ever since Charles Babbage invented computer, it has undergone several changes. Now is the time for Tablets. Let us have a look on the five generations of computer and what it looks today. The First Generation (1940-1956)
computers: then and now
UNIVAC I was the first computer of the first generation. The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory and took an entire room. They were very expensive to operate and used great deal of electricity and generated a lot of heat.

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