Celeb Breast Cancer Survivors

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 17 October 2011, 13:46 IST
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Bangalore: Women have always been recognized for their incredible strength and remarkable approach towards life. Diseases do not distinguish between the rich and famous or the common man. Here is a list of the brave women who fought back instead of wallowing in self-pity. We congratulate both the bravery and hard work they have put into in speaking out for the reason. Melissa Etheridge

Celebs Breast Cancer Survivors

Acknowledged and accepted as a gay and lesbian activist, this American rockstar was identified with breast cancer in 2004. Following months of radiation and becoming bald as a result of chemotherapy, Melissa overcame the struggle and bowled over the audience at the 2005 Grammy Awards with her amazing performance and tribute to Janis Joplin on 'Piece of MY Heart'. She continued to raise awareness on the disease by releasing her single on her cancer struggle 'I Run My Life'.